
A female, American, Modern-Orthodox Jewish Humanist's thoughts on the world.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Jet Lag continues

The kids, specifically Tikva, has been waking up every night at 3:00 in the morning. Last night, she did it again. She also woke up the other two kids, and of course, me. I got a little crazy around bed time last night, insisting that it happen the minute after Havdala. This morning, I eventually got the boys back to sleep, so I told Tikva she could snuggle with me in bed. We lay there together until I fell asleep, and at some point she got up and woke up Yakir. It was morning by the time I heard them, so I let them play a little bit longer before I got up to check on them. When I did check on them, I had found that they had cut each others' hair!

I was livid, but of course, there's nothing anyone can do about it except punish them, give them lectures, hide the scissors, and move on. I have been through all the stages of grief. Tikva has done this to herself before, so I thought we were finished with this for her. She justified it, saying that Yakir did it. But she let him do it! I can't supervise every stupid thing they do at wee hours in the morning...Anyone have any tricks to getting over jet lag quickly?


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