
A female, American, Modern-Orthodox Jewish Humanist's thoughts on the world.

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Parshat Noach Genesis 7:16 “ויסגר ה' בעדו” "God closed the door for him."

“Where is everyone? Why haven’t they come and tried to get on our boat? Can’t they see that the waters are rising?” She pleaded with him. “Won’t you please go out there and see if anyone needs help?”

“I told you. There are lions about twenty feet away from the boat. I’m stuck here, same as you.”

Noah’s wife stood with him next to the open door, waiting for someone to get through. They had been watching the rain fall, day after day, for a week, and they had not seen a single person come towards the boat. After a week, the water level had risen so high, feared it might get into the boat, but they still waited with an open door, hoping someone would manage a way through to get on. Noah was ready to close the door, but he couldn’t do it- not if front of her. Finally, a strong wind came and closed the door for him.

(adapted from Genesis Rabba 32:8 and Rashi)