
A female, American, Modern-Orthodox Jewish Humanist's thoughts on the world.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Exhibitionist No More

I have not been writing much, lately. I was thinking that I made this blog because I wanted to bare myself to the world, and that sharing my personal thoughts and feelings, and having people comment and respond made me feel good and validated. I feel myself, lately, thinking about writing a new post on the blog, and then upon consideration, thinking, "Do I really want to share this with the world?" A conversation with a close friend would probably do the trick. Or just writing down my thoughts in a journal. I am thinking this is a good development.

The reason that I fell in love with war stories was the raw, naked humanity. I suppose I modeled that style in all of my writing. But I think that I am learning to be more cautious, and more private about my humanity and myself. I just wanted to fill in the world as to why the posts have been coming more infrequent. That's all. If people want to share their opinions about this new trend, I'm interested to hear. But it's not really an open discussion. I see it as a stage in development and growing up. There you have it, folks.